Registration of Cameroonian Nationals in Canada

Cameroonians who are resident abroad should at the earliest opportunity register at the nearest Diplomatic Mission or Consulate of Cameroon. They will be issued a consular card.

Failure to do this may in a period of emergency result in difficulty or delay in granting them the assistance and protection they are entitled to.

Changes of address or departure from the country should also be notified to the Mission or Consulate.

Note: Visitors are not entitled to consular card.

Requirements to Obtain Consular Card

After filling the consular card online application form, print it and send with:

  • Photocopy of first three pages of passport
  • Photocopy of valid Canadian Visa
  • 1Photo 4 cm x 4 cm
  • 67 CAD in cash, money order or certified cheque addressed to Cameroon High Commission
  • 1 Return-envelope with your full address

NB: Following Covid-19 Special Measures (see homepage), consular card requests are to be, exclusively, sent by mail, for the time being.

Consular card form

You must login to request a consular card